Overall Diet Fitness Plan
Does this sound like a lot of work? Don’t worry; we’ll make it simpler
for you. Here are the tips that you need to get your diet fitness plan
off the ground and allowing you to improve your health considerably!
1.Eat more fruits and vegetables. Visit your favorite recipe sites on
the web and look for vegetable recipes that aren’t rich with sauces,
butter or creams. Add one new recipe to your diet each week.
2.Start looking for leaner cuts of meat. Remember, meats that are
high in saturated fat are clogging your heart. One good switch is with
ground meats. Don’t reach for beef, but replace at least part of it with
ground turkey or pork. You won’t notice the taste difference. Eat
more fish, chicken and pork over beef.
3.Reduce portion sizes. No food in one sitting should be a larger
quantity than the size of your palm. To help you to not feel hungry,
eat a bit slower.
4.Visit the website of the American Heart Association to get heart
healthy recipes. Try to look for ways to improve your current recipes
through replacing butters, salts, unhealthy foods with foods that are
better for you. Look at your grains. Replace white rice and pasta with
whole grain. Replace white bread with whole grain bread.
5.Remove soda from your diet. This single movement alone will
improve your health considerably. It adds weight to your body and it
causes all types of health risks later in life.
6.Look at labels. Learn to read labels so that they tell you what’s
in the foods you eat. Reduce the amount of fat, cholesterol, and
sugars in the foods that you eat.
If you need to lose weight, then you need to consider a calorie
reduction. Dropping just a small amount of weight means that you
need to eat less and do more physically. There is no fad diet that is
more comprehensively safer and effective than just that: eat less and
get more exercise every day.
Eating healthy isn’t an option if you wish to increase your lifespan and
increase your health. While you may love food, learning to make
healthier recipes shouldn’t be something you put on the back burner
because you are too busy, don’t like those foods (you probably don’t
know what they taste like anyway!) or you think its too much work.
Food is a requirement to living and a healthy diet is an essential part
of living a long life. Don’t make sacrifices here for speed, convenience
or habit. Remember; while making changes at first is a challenge, you
will get into the habit and will eventually love the differences you have
made, guaranteed!
Mind Fitness, A Healthy EmotionalLife
As you can assume, your mind is a powerful tool and it helps you
through each step of your day. It controls the way that you perform
each action, the way that you see life and it controls all of those little
things like breathing and your heart pumping that you don’t think
Yet, there are many ways that your mind’s fitness may not be the right
level that it should be. In fact, for many people living in today’s hectic
lifestyle, it’s anything but easy to make it through the day without
dealing with some type of stress or pressure.
The mind’s health is quite an important aspect and, believe it or not,
plays a significant role in the quality of life and the longevity that you
have in your life. When you are emotionally or mentally unfit, your
body’s health is directly related.
There are many different ways that this can happen, including the
simple fact that you may have to battle illnesses more often and with
greater intensity.
Although you may be wondering just how you can control your minds
fitness, the good news is that this can be one of the easier steps to
take in total health and wellness if you allow it to be.
Let’s get started by learning what exactly is healthy and what may not
be the best choice for your overall health and well being.
What’s Healthy?
For your mind to be in a healthy state, several key things must play a
role. First, you need to be fully capable of thinking clearly; performing
mental tasks and you need to be able to conquer problems effectively.
In addition, you need to tame those other things that happen
throughout your life that limit you or otherwise affect the quality of
your mind and lifestyle.
A Healthy Brain
With the onset of Alzheimer’s happening to more and more people, the
importance of having a healthy brain is very evident. Whether or not
you can stop this disease or other debilitating diseases from happening
to you is yet to be seen, there is evidence that says that you can
actually push off the onset by some time if you do the right things.
For this particular battle, you need to exercise your mind. Keeping
your mind active, challenged and attentive is essential to your well
being and this fight.
Emotional Health
Another aspect that you probably don’t want to talk about is that of
emotional well being. While life affects each one of us, the way that
you handle the problems that happen to fall into your lap are critical in
maintaining a healthy life. For example, should something emotionally
troubling happen to you, such as a death or deception, you need to be
able to effectively deal with it and then to move on.
Emotional health is an important battle that everyone must strive to
improve. There are many various ways that you can improve your
emotional state by learning how to react to critical situations. Indeed,
the right social activity is one way to improve your emotional health.
Stress Management
Yet another factor that plays a significant role in the well being of your
mind is that of stress. Not only does it pull you down through causing
large amounts of emotional trauma, but it also causes all types of
physical problems for those struggling with it. It can lead to various
health issues physically, too.
While you can’t take away everything in your life that causes stress,
learning to effectively manage stress is important. It can help you to
tackle even challenging tasks with more ease and with success.
Sometimes it may be important to remove the stressors from your life,
but that’s not a common occurrence.
Spiritual Well Being
Spiritual well being is yet another consideration that you need to take.
While there isn’t always a need to be religious or spiritual, it can often
play a role in the way that you see your life as well as in your
emotional state of mind. For those that do believe in a Higher Power,
the need for spiritual well being is even more evident because it places
a significant role in your self esteem and your outlook on your own
Spiritual well being is a critical factor in maintaining your health, too.
Those that are spiritually fit, feel good about themselves which allows
them to be more likely to improve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
This is a personal decision, of course, but aren’t all of these aspects of
fitness personal decisions that you need to commit to? Spiritual health
is something to think about.
Where Are You Now?
When it comes to determining how mentally fit you are, you may think
that you have nothing to worry about. After all, you do all that you
need to do and there’s nothing limiting you. But, have you actually
reached the highest level that you can?
Usually people struggle with this aspect because of the vast number of
misbelieves about mental and emotional well being. Believe it or not,
most people go through stages of depression, mental turmoil and even
times when they are so stressed that they can not function properly.
During these times, you can consider them, and you, mentally
unstable and unfit.
Yes, it hurts to hear but just like your body goes through illness, your
mind can be struggling at the same time, although you may not realize
To determine where you stand in mind fitness, ask yourself these
questions. Be honest, now, there’s nothing for you to be embarrassed
about but a lot to be gained when you can improving your mind’s
1.Do you have physical pain that is not the result of an injury?
This could be stress related!
2.Do you struggle with remembering things from one moment to
the next? Do you find yourself struggling to remember why you
walked into a room?
3.Do you struggle to make the goals that you set for yourself?
4.Do you feel anxiety, stress and angry often? What does it feel
like and how intense does it get?
5.Do you hate the life that you are leading, are you unhappy with
your lifestyle or do you have regrets about your life?
All of these things play a role in how mentally fit you are. While you
may not want to do this, you should schedule a meeting with a
psychologist just to talk through some of the feelings that you have.
For the most part, working through these issues can be the best way
for you to overcome your problems and to find overall benefit in your
If you have trouble sleep, or are eating whenever you feel like it, then
you should be considering the vast number of mind fitness needs you
may have.
Improving the fitness of your mind not only improves your daily life
but increases your longevity, too!
To be continued...
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